Our Blue Moon Calculator says that in 2026, there is a Blue Moon in May. Is that true in all parts of the world? After all, previous Blue Moons have fallen on different days in different parts of the world.
Let's start with the basic astronomical facts. The Full Moons for May 2026 are as follows:
1 May | at | 17:23 UTC |
31 May | at | 08:45 UTC |
These dates and times have been calculated rigorously using the same methods as those employed by the United States Naval Observatory and by Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office. They are given in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) which is the standard time zone used by astronomers worldwide. It is effectively the same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Here are those Full Moons again, but with the dates and times adjusted for several major time zones around the world. For each time zone, the two Full Moons which fall in the same calendar month are highlighted.
City | Standard Time Zone | Full Moon 1 | Full Moon 2 | |
Auckland | UTC + 12 hours | May 2 05:23 |
May 31 20:45 |
Sydney | UTC + 10 hours | May 2 03:23 |
May 31 18:45 |
Adelaide | UTC + 9 hours 30 minutes | May 2 02:53 |
May 31 18:15 |
Brisbane | UTC + 10 hours | May 2 03:23 |
May 31 18:45 |
Perth | UTC + 8 hours | May 2 01:23 |
May 31 16:45 |
Tokyo | UTC + 9 hours | May 2 02:23 |
May 31 17:45 |
Shanghai | UTC + 8 hours | May 2 01:23 |
May 31 16:45 |
Kolkata | UTC + 5 hours 30 minutes | May 1 22:53 |
May 31 14:15 |
Karachi | UTC + 5 hours | May 1 22:23 |
May 31 13:45 |
Moscow | UTC + 3 hours | May 1 20:23 |
May 31 11:45 |
Johannesburg | UTC + 2 hours | May 1 19:23 |
May 31 10:45 |
Paris | UTC + 1 hours | May 1 19:23¹ |
May 31 10:45¹ |
London | UTC | May 1 18:23¹ |
May 31 09:45¹ |
Sao Paulo | UTC - 3 hours | May 1 14:23 |
May 31 05:45 |
Halifax | UTC - 4 hours | May 1 14:23¹ |
May 31 05:45¹ |
New York | UTC - 5 hours | May 1 13:23¹ |
May 31 04:45¹ |
Chicago | UTC - 6 hours | May 1 12:23¹ |
May 31 03:45¹ |
Edmonton | UTC - 7 hours | May 1 11:23¹ |
May 31 02:45¹ |
Los Angeles | UTC - 8 hours | May 1 10:23¹ |
May 31 01:45¹ |
Hawaii | UTC - 10 hours | May 1 07:23 |
May 30 22:45 |
¹ Daylight saving time is in effect. |
As you can see, most of the world has a Blue Moon on 31 May. The exception is Hawaii. Its time zone is sufficiently far behind GMT that the second Full Moon occurs in the late evening of 30 May instead.