January 2007

What rubbish have we received today? Below is a partial list of the "spamvertised" domains sent to our accounts.

Note that this is a listing of spam received by us, not sent by us. We do not send unsolicited bulk email but spammers routinely forge our domain name in the From: line of their junk.

Organisation Domain Name Date
Discounted Pharma, Rx Online nahantsite.com, theshiftkey.com 11 January
mayah.hk 12 January
11proc.com, genral.net, squarelas.com 13 January
11metodo.com, palthena.com 14 January
8t1logica.com, nahantsite.com 15 January
8t1logica.com, commacomma.hk, palthena.com 16 January
8t1logica.com, mayah.hk, theshiftkey.com 17 January
commacomma.hk, mayah.hk, southd.hk 18 January
buenview.com, netequalzier.com, thebatrack.com 19 January
bestdrumba.com, thebeckhomes.com 20 January
beckquide.com 21 January
49mag.com, farrety.hk, theshiftkey.com 22 January
Discounted Pharmacy, Instant Pharmacy hgh4u.org 1 January
aaapharm.org → oureasyesupport.org 5 January
onlyhgh.org 8 January
aaapharm.org → oureasyesupport.org,
9 January
onlyhgh.org 11 January
aaarx.org → oureasyesupport.org 13 January
onlyhgh.org 15 January
aaarx.org → oureasyesupport.org 18 January
rxmart.org → oureasyesupport.org 19 January
onlyhgh.org 20 January
rxmart.org → oureasyesupport.org 22 January
rxmart.org → oureasyesupport.org 19 January
rxmart.org → oureasyesupport.org 26 January
rxmart.org → oureasyesupport.org 28 January
rxmart.org → oureasyesupport.org 29 January
rxmart.org → oureasyesupport.org 30 January
ED Med Choice Online printeryml.com 23 January
gothgh.org, printeryml.com 25 January
progenyid.com 25 January
ED Pill Store greyisdamyan.com 15 January
Euro VIP Casino, Royal-Euro Casino, Vegas International Casino eurovip.hk → evipsetup.info 1 January
iklunfes.com → vegasinternationalcasino.com 3 January
europecasino.hk → evipsetup.info 8 January
casinoclub.hk → evipsetup.info 15 January
royals-casino.info 17 January
fortunacasino.hk → royalvipcasino.org,
18 January
aniutish.com 19 January
royal-casinos.net 24 January
royal-euro.com → royalvipcasino.com 25 January
royaleuro-casino.org → royalvipcasino.com 29 January
royal-casinos.biz 30 January
International Legal RX medications blousecollar.com, calmorphan.com, lossfeeler.com, patmarklaw.com 2 January
bunkderlock.com, copeckstable.com, uickesho.com 3 January
proseassembly.com 7 January
banikay.hk, medsbuyonline.com, mizaldo.hk 8 January
awhak.hk, ikolkj.hk, muzex.hk 10 January
gizmodo.hk 12 January
asdafaq.hk 14 January
asdafaq.hk, beckguide.com 19 January
beckguide.com, southd.hk 20 January
squarelas.com 21 January
asdafaq.hk, quareshi.hk 29 January
chindeputy.com, resld.com, tomatobreed.com 30 January
asdafaq.hk, witouta.cn 31 January
MyCanadian Pharmacy Corp. mycanadian.net 4 January
mycanadian.net 15 January
mycanadian.net 19 January
m-rx.net 23 January
m-rx.net 27 January
c-rx.net 30 January
OpoLogo, SE Submitter makemelogo.com 23 January
submit-me-now.com 30 January
Pharmacy Express aroundfashioncats.com 2 January
22rx.com 5 January
22rx.com 11 January
22rx.com 24 January
33rx.com 25 January
todrx.com 28 January
VIP Pharmacy slavishload.net 13 January
slavishload.com 14 January
Your Online Pharmacy jozihyxwnaxo.com 12 January
ixokibokw.com 13 January
dobntgimymedatt.com 15 January
"Money Laundering" Domain Date
norden.hk 22 January
norden.hk 30 January
"Phishers" Domain Date
posing as Barclays Bank cerif.biz 3 January
eztland.biz, rwrth.ws 4 January
fwizard.info 5 January
poyape.co.nz 8 January
posing as Fifth Third Bank orbad.biz 26 January
"Pump and Dump" Stock Date
This is how this scam works:
  1. The scammers quietly buy lots of inexpensive shares in a particular company, usually one that is small and sparsely traded.
  2. They then flood email inboxes everywhere with millions of messages touting the company as a hot stock and urging people to buy quickly. Pump.
  3. Enough unwitting investors buy the stock to create artificially high demand and prices.
  4. The scammers then stop promoting the stock and quickly sell their cheaply-purchased shares for a profit. Dump.
  5. The stock price plummets back to its pre-scam levels or even lower, and the conned investors are left with stock shares worth significantly less than what they paid.
Don't fall for it!
1 January
3 January
4 January
6 January
10 January
12 January
14 January
15 January
16 January
17 January
31 January
Unknown/Unresolved Domain Date
opensocietyonline.info 2 January
klsab.com 5 January
msjoy.net 5 January
16 January
bighertum.com 25 January
cicras.com 26 January
western-solutions.eu 29 January
Addresses Receiving Spam Total
Nonexistant and Catch-all 26
Various Compromised Mailing Lists 78
Personal 0
Obliquity.com Domain Registration 55
Obliquity.com Contact Form 0
Obliquity.com Postmaster 0