Selected events for the Earth and the Moon are listed below. The lunation number refers to the Brown Lunation Number which is numbered from the first New Moon of 1923. The occultation of the open cluster M45 (Pleiades) refers to the occultation of the brightest star in the group, η Tauri (Alcyone).
January | |||
1 | Moon | ascending node | |
Moon | lunar occultation: 0.7° north of Uranus (visible from northeastern United States, northern Canada, the Arctic, Greenland, Iceland, British Isles, Scandinavia and northwestern Russia) | ||
3 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.5° south of Mars (visible from southern Africa and Madagascar) | |
4 | Earth | perihelion: 0.983 au | |
6 | Moon | FULL | |
8 | Moon | apogee | |
15 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
16 | Moon | descending node | |
21 | Moon | NEW: lunation 1238 | |
Moon | perigee: nearest (356,570 km) | ||
28 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER | |
Moon | ascending node | ||
29 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.9° north of Uranus (visible from Alaska, Siberia and the Arctic) | |
31 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.1° south of Mars (visible from the southern United States, Mexico, Central America and northern South America) | |
February | |||
4 | Moon | apogee | |
5 | Moon | FULL: Micro Moon (smallest angular diameter of the year) | |
12 | Moon | descending node | |
13 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
19 | Moon | perigee | |
20 | Moon | NEW: lunation 1239 | |
22 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.2° south of Jupiter (visible from southeastern South America and the Falkland Islands) | |
24 | Moon | ascending node | |
25 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.3° north of Uranus (visible from Baffin Island) | |
27 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER | |
28 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.1° north of Mars (visible from northern Scandinavia, Iceland and the Arctic) | |
March | |||
3 | Moon | apogee | |
7 | Moon | FULL | |
11 | Moon | descending node | |
15 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
19 | Moon | perigee | |
20 | Earth | equinox | |
21 | Moon | NEW: lunation 1240 | |
22 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.5° south of Jupiter (visible from northeastern South America) | |
24 | Moon | ascending node | |
Moon | lunar occultation: 0.1° south of Venus (visible from southeast Asia) | ||
29 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER | |
31 | Moon | apogee | |
April | |||
6 | Moon | FULL | |
7 | Moon | descending node | |
13 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
16 | Moon | perigee | |
19 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.1° north of Jupiter (daytime event) | |
20 | Earth | Moon | hybrid solar eclipse |
Moon | NEW: lunation 1241 | ||
Moon | ascending node | ||
27 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER | |
28 | Moon | apogee: nearest (404,300 km) | |
May | |||
4 | Moon | descending node | |
5 | Earth | Moon | penumbral lunar eclipse |
Moon | FULL | ||
11 | Moon | perigee | |
12 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
17 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.8° north of Jupiter (visible from Mexico and the west coast of North America) | |
Moon | ascending node | ||
19 | Moon | NEW: lunation 1242 | |
26 | Moon | apogee | |
27 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER | |
June | |||
1 | Moon | descending node | |
4 | Moon | FULL | |
6 | Moon | perigee | |
10 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
14 | Moon | ascending node | |
18 | Moon | NEW: lunation 1243 | |
21 | Earth | solstice | |
22 | Moon | apogee | |
26 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER | |
28 | Moon | descending node | |
July | |||
3 | Moon | FULL | |
4 | Moon | perigee | |
6 | Earth | aphelion: 1.017 au | |
10 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
11 | Moon | ascending node | |
17 | Moon | NEW: lunation 1244 | |
20 | Moon | apogee | |
25 | Moon | descending node | |
August | |||
1 | Moon | FULL | |
2 | Moon | perigee | |
7 | Moon | ascending node | |
8 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
16 | Moon | NEW: lunation 1245 | |
Moon | apogee: farthest (406,635 km) | ||
21 | Moon | descending node | |
24 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER | |
25 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.1° north of α Scorpii (Antares) (visible from central and eastern United States) | |
30 | Moon | perigee | |
31 | Moon | FULL: Super Moon (largest angular diameter of the year), Blue Moon (second full moon in a calendar month) | |
September | |||
1 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.4° south of Neptune (visible from Antarctica) | |
3 | Moon | ascending node | |
5 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.2° south of the open cluster M45 (Pleiades) | |
6 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
12 | Moon | apogee | |
15 | Moon | NEW: lunation 1246 | |
16 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.7° north of Mars (visible from northern South America) | |
17 | Moon | descending node | |
21 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.9° north of α Scorpii (Antares) (visible from most of Japan) | |
22 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER | |
23 | Earth | equinox | |
28 | Moon | perigee | |
Moon | lunar occultation: 1.4° south of Neptune (visible from Antarctica) | ||
29 | Moon | FULL: Harvest Moon | |
30 | Moon | ascending node | |
October | |||
3 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.1° south of the open cluster M45 (Pleiades) | |
6 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
10 | Moon | apogee | |
14 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.7° south of Mercury (daytime event) | |
Earth | Moon | annular solar eclipse | |
Moon | NEW: lunation 1247 | ||
15 | Moon | descending node | |
Moon | lunar occultation: 1.0° south of Mars (daytime event) | ||
18 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.9° north of α Scorpii (Antares) (visible from the Middle East) | |
22 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER | |
26 | Moon | perigee | |
28 | Moon | ascending node | |
Earth | Moon | partial lunar eclipse | |
Moon | FULL | ||
30 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.1° south of the open cluster M45 (Pleiades) | |
November | |||
5 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
6 | Moon | apogee | |
9 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.0° north of Venus (visible from Greenland, Iceland and the Arctic) | |
11 | Moon | descending node | |
13 | Moon | NEW: lunation 1248 | |
14 | Moon | lunar occultation: 0.7° north of α Scorpii (Antares) (daytime event) | |
20 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER | |
21 | Moon | perigee: farthest (369,824 km) | |
24 | Moon | ascending node | |
27 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.1° south of the open cluster M45 (Pleiades) | |
Moon | FULL | ||
December | |||
4 | Moon | apogee | |
5 | Moon | LAST QUARTER | |
8 | Moon | descending node | |
12 | Moon | NEW: lunation 1249 | |
Moon | lunar occultation: 1.0° north of α Scorpii (Antares) (daytime event) | ||
16 | Moon | perigee | |
19 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.3° south of Neptune (visible from Antarctica) | |
21 | Moon | ascending node | |
22 | Earth | solstice | |
24 | Moon | lunar occultation: 1.1° south of the open cluster M45 (Pleiades) | |
27 | Moon | FULL |
The dates, times and circumstances of all planetary and lunar phenomena were calculated from the JPL DE406 solar system ephemeris using the same rigorous methods that are employed in the compilation of publications such as The Astronomical Almanac.