
Eclipses in 2025

Eclipses in the Year 2025

Your eyesight is precious. Protect it!

Total Lunar Eclipse: 14 March

The eclipse is fully visible from most of North and South America, and western Greenland. The eclipse is partially visible from most of Australia, New Zealand, eastern Asia, eastern South America, Iceland, western Europe, and western Africa.

MarchTime (UT)Event
1403:57The penumbral eclipse begins
05:10The partial eclipse begins
06:26The total eclipse begins
06:54Full Moon
06:57Instant of greatest eclipse: (umbral) magnitude = 1.1784
08:48The partial eclipse ends
10:00The penumbral eclipse ends
13:45Moon at descending node
1716:37Moon at apogee

Partial Solar Eclipse: 29 March

The partial eclipse is visible from northwestern Africa, most of Europe, northern Russia, Iceland, and Greenland.

MarchTime (UT)Event
2816:29Moon at ascending node
2908:51The partial eclipse begins
10:47Instant of greatest eclipse: magnitude = 0.9376
10:57New Moon
12:44The partial eclipse ends
3005:26Moon at perigee

Total Lunar Eclipse: 7 September

The eclipse is fully visible from most of Asia, western Australia, Madagascar, eastern Middle East, and eastern Africa. The eclipse is partially visible from Iceland, Europe, most of Africa, eastern and western Asia, and New Zealand.

SeptemberTime (UT)Event
705:28The penumbral eclipse begins
16:27The partial eclipse begins
17:31The total eclipse begins
18:08Full Moon
18:12Instant of greatest eclipse: (umbral) magnitude = 1.3619
18:53The total eclipse ends
19:56The partial eclipse ends
20:55The penumbral eclipse ends
23:08Moon at ascending node
1012:09Moon at perigee

Partial Solar Eclipse: 21 September

The partial eclipse is visible from New Zealand, Antarctica, and the South Pacific.

SeptemberTime (UT)Event
2023:13Moon at descending node
2117:30The partial eclipse begins
19:42Instant of greatest eclipse: magnitude = 0.8550
19:54New Moon
21:52The partial eclipse ends
2609:46Moon at apogee