
Mercury in 2025

The path of Mercury against the background stars in 2025

The upper chart shows the path of Mercury across the background stars over the course of the year. Stars to magnitude +4.5 are shown with some fainter objects included to complete constellation patterns. The white circles represent the planet on the first day of the month and are scaled according to apparent magnitude. The faint paths before the first circle and after the last circle represent the planet's positions in December of last year and January of next. In general, the planet moves from right to left except when it's in retrograde and proceding in the opposite direction. As an inferior planet, Mercury never strays far from the Sun so it always begins and ends the year near the constellation of Sagittarius, located about one quarter of the way in from the left side of the chart.

The lower charts show how the appearance of Mercury changes over the year. Below each image is listed the date, the apparent magnitude, the apparent diameter of the disk (in arc-seconds), the geocentric distance (in au), the elongation from the Sun (in degrees) and the percentage of the disk which is illuminated. Like the Moon, Mercury exhibits a complete range of phases, from new to crescent to gibbous to full and back again. Because its synodic period is around four months, Mercury completes this phase cycle three times each year. Note how Mercury's magnitude varies widely, ranging (approximately) from −2.0 to +6.0 between conjunctions.

Mercury begins and ends 2025 in the morning sky. The best dawn apparitions for northern hemisphere observers occur in August–September and from November onwards. The best morning views from the southern hemisphere take place between late March and June. Southern hemisphere astronomers have two excellent evening apparitions of the tiny planet, in June–July and again from mid-September to mid-November. Those in northern temperate latitudes should look to the west between early February and late March for their best chance to spot elusive Mercury in evening twilight. The closest planet to the Sun has conjunctions with all of the other planets, usually when they themselves are near solar conjunction, and is occulted by the Moon once, in early March.

All times and dates are in UT with the time given to the nearest hour unless otherwise indicated. Positions are geocentric apparent places and referred to the true equator and equinox of date.

905:00descending node
1914:00aphelion: 0.4667 au
2821:002.5° (declination) north of Moon
22:002.5° (ecliptic latitude) north of Moon
118:00maximum distance from Earth: 1.4117 au
912:00superior conjunction: morning sky → evening sky
2512:001.4° (ecliptic latitude) north of Saturn
21:001.7° (declination) north of Saturn
2722:00ascending node
104:030.4° (declination) north of Moon: occultation
04:200.4° (ecliptic latitude) north of Moon: occultation
216:001.9° (ecliptic latitude) north of Neptune
306:002.2° (declination) north of Neptune
414:00perihelion: 0.3075 au
806:00greatest elongation east: 18.2°, magnitude −0.30
911:006.3° (declination) south of Venus
1123:005.6° (ecliptic latitude) south of Venus
1422:00stationary (right ascension): direct motion → retrograde motion
1507:00stationary (ecliptic longitude): direct motion → retrograde motion
2001:00maximum ecliptic latitude north: +3.53°
2420:00inferior conjunction: evening sky → morning sky
2802:004.2° (declination) north of Neptune
05:00shallow minimum distance from Earth: 0.5968 au
21:002.4° (declination) north of Moon
22:002.1° (ecliptic latitude) north of Moon
3003:003.4° (ecliptic latitude) north of Neptune
606:00stationary (right ascension): retrograde motion → direct motion
705:00descending node
12:00stationary (ecliptic longitude): retrograde motion → direct motion
1619:000.7° (declination) south of Neptune
1704:000.7° (ecliptic latitude) south of Neptune
14:00aphelion: 0.4667 au
2119:00greatest elongation west: 27.4°, magnitude +0.43
2522:003.9° (ecliptic latitude) south of Moon
2601:004.4° (declination) south of Moon
2423:000.1° (declination) south of Uranus
23:000.1° (ecliptic latitude) south of Uranus
2620:004.6° (ecliptic latitude) south of Moon
21:00ascending node
22:004.8° (declination) south of Moon
2914:00shallow maximum distance from Earth: 1.3218 au
3004:00superior conjunction: morning sky → evening sky
3113:00perihelion: 0.3075 au
820:002.0° (ecliptic latitude) north of Jupiter
21:002.0° (declination) north of Jupiter
1017:00maximum declination north: +25° 18′ 45″
2706:002.9° (declination) south of Moon
07:002.8° (ecliptic latitude) south of Moon
404:00descending node
04:00greatest elongation east: 25.9°, magnitude +0.54
1413:00aphelion: 0.4667 au
1707:00stationary (right ascension): direct motion → retrograde motion
1805:00stationary (ecliptic longitude): direct motion → retrograde motion
2511:008.1° (declination) south of Moon
15:007.6° (ecliptic latitude) south of Moon
2817:00minimum distance from Earth: 0.5876 au
3015:00maximum ecliptic latitude south: −4.96°
3123:30inferior conjunction: evening sky → morning sky
1018:00stationary (right ascension): retrograde motion → direct motion
1108:00stationary (ecliptic longitude): retrograde motion → direct motion
1910:00greatest elongation west: 18.6 , magnitude −0.01
2116:003.7° (declination) south of Moon
18:003.5° (ecliptic latitude) south of Moon
2220:00ascending node
2712:00perihelion: 0.3075 au
1311:00superior conjunction: morning sky → evening sky
2018:00shallow maximum distance from Earth: 1.3987 au
2212:002.6° (ecliptic latitude) north of Moon
14:002.9° (declination) north of Moon
3003:00descending node
1012:00aphelion: 0.4667 au
2007:002.0° (ecliptic latitude) south of Mars
2106:002.1° (declination) south of Mars
2315:002.2° (ecliptic latitude) north of Moon
16:002.3° (declination) north of Moon
22:00greatest elongation east: 23.9°, magnitude −0.14
919:00stationary (ecliptic longitude): direct motion → retrograde motion
23:00stationary (right ascension): direct motion → retrograde motion
1219:001.3° (declination) south of Mars
23:001.2° (ecliptic latitude) south of Mars
20:00ascending node
1919:00shallow minimum distance from Earth: 0.6772 au
2007:005.3° (ecliptic latitude) north of Moon
09:00inferior conjunction: evening sky → morning sky
09:005.5° (declination) north of Moon
2312:00perihelion: 0.3075 au
2502:001.0° (ecliptic latitude) north of Venus
2505:001.1° (declination) north of Venus
2915:00stationary (right ascension): retrograde motion → direct motion
18:00stationary (ecliptic longitude): retrograde motion → direct motion
721:00greatest elongation west: 20.7°, magnitude −0.45
1810:006.1° (ecliptic latitude) north of Moon
12:006.2° (declination) north of Moon
2702:00descending node
January 2026
100:00maximum declination south: −24° 0′ 4″