Selected events for the Earth and the Moon are listed below. Dates for peak meteor shower activity are estimates. The lunation number refers to the Brown Lunation Number which is numbered from the first New Moon of 1923. Occultation dates and times are for closest approach; the occultation event starts some time before. The occultation of the open cluster M45 (Pleiades) refers to the occultation of the brightest star in the group, η Tauri (Alcyone). All times and dates are in UT with the time given to the nearest half hour unless otherwise indicated. Positions are geocentric apparent places and referred to the true equator and equinox of date.
January | ||||
1 | 00:00 | Earth | minimum distance from Jupiter: 4.1907 au | |
3 | Earth | Quadrantid meteor shower | ||
4 | 14:00 | Earth | perihelion: 0.9833 au | |
16:57 | Moon | 0.6° (ecliptic latitude) north of Saturn: occultation is visible from most of western Europe and Iceland | ||
17:24 | Moon | 0.7° (declination) north of Saturn: occultation is visible from most of western Europe and Iceland | ||
5 | 15:18 | Moon | 1.1° (declination) north of Neptune: occultation is visible from Greenland and northern Europe | |
15:31 | Moon | 1.0° (ecliptic latitude) north of Neptune: occultation is visible from Greenland and northern Europe | ||
20:00 | Moon | ascending node | ||
6 | 23:45 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
8 | 00:00 | Moon | perigee: 370,171 kilometres (largest of the year) | |
10 | 01:41 | Moon | 0.3° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is visible from parts of North America, western Europe, and northwestern Africa | |
12 | 13:30 | Earth | minimum distance from Mars: 0.6423 au | |
13 | 22:30 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 1880″ | |
14 | 03:44 | Moon | 0.2° (declination) north of Mars: occultation is visible from parts of Canada and the United States, Mexico, and western Africa | |
03:49 | Moon | 0.2° (ecliptic latitude) north of Mars: occultation is visible from parts of Canada and the United States, Mexico, and western Africa | ||
19 | 02:00 | Moon | descending node | |
21 | 03:53 | Moon | 0.1° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation is visible from western Africa | |
05:00 | Moon | apogee: 404,298 kilometres | ||
20:30 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | ||
25 | 00:10 | Moon | 0.3° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is visible from Madagascar | |
29 | 12:30 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1263 | |
February | ||||
1 | 04:10 | Moon | 1.0° (ecliptic latitude) north of Saturn: occultation is visible from eastern Asia | |
04:53 | Moon | 1.1° (declination) north of Saturn: occultation from eastern Asia | ||
18:00 | Earth | maximum distance from Mercury: 1.4117 au | ||
21:49 | Moon | 1.3° (ecliptic latitude) north of Neptune: occultation is visible from northeastern Russia | ||
22:00 | Moon | ascending node | ||
22:46 | Moon | 1.4° (declination) north of Neptune: occultation is visible from northeastern Russia | ||
2 | 03:00 | Moon | perigee: 367,457 kilometres | |
5 | 08:00 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
6 | 06:43 | Moon | 0.5° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is visible from eastern Russia, and most of Canada and the United States | |
8 | Earth | α-Centaurid meteor shower | ||
9 | 19:37 | Moon | 0.8° (declination) north of Mars: occultation is visible from northern Europe and Asia | |
19:48 | Moon | 0.8° (ecliptic latitude) north of Mars: occultation is visible from northern Europe and Asia | ||
12 | 14:00 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 1826″ | |
15 | 07:00 | Moon | descending node | |
17 | 12:29 | Moon | 0.3° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation | |
18 | 01:00 | Moon | apogee: 404,882 kilometres | |
20 | 17:30 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | |
21 | 08:54 | Moon | 0.4° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is visible from southern South America | |
28 | 00:30 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1264 | |
March | ||||
1 | 04:03 | Moon | 0.4° (declination) south of Mercury: occultation | |
04:20 | Moon | 0.4° (ecliptic latitude) south of Mercury: occultation | ||
05:30 | Moon | ascending node | ||
21:30 | Moon | perigee: 361,964 kilometres | ||
5 | 13:02 | Moon | 0.7° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is visible from northeastern Asia, including Japan and Korea | |
6 | 16:30 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
12 | 06:00 | Earth | maximum distance from Saturn: 10.6022 au | |
14 | 06:54 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 1786″ | |
06:59 | Moon | total lunar eclipse | ||
13:46 | Moon | descending node | ||
16 | 19:16 | Moon | 0.3° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation is visible from eastern Africa and Madagascar | |
17 | 16:30 | Moon | apogee: 405,754 kilometres | |
19 | 21:00 | Earth | maximum distance from Neptune: 30.8879 au | |
20 | 09:00 | Earth | equinox: spring in northern hemisphere, autumn in southern hemisphere | |
15:58 | Moon | 0.5° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is visible from parts of Australia and New Zealand | ||
22 | 06:30 | Moon | major lunar standstill: −28° 43′ 32″ declination | |
16:00 | Earth | minimum distance from Venus: 0.2806 au | ||
11:30 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | ||
23 | 19:30 | Earth | geocentric ring-plane crossing of Saturn | |
28 | 16:29 | Moon | ascending node | |
29 | 10:49 | Moon | partial solar eclipse | |
10:57 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1265 | ||
30 | 05:30 | Moon | perigee: 358,128 kilometres | |
April | ||||
1 | 20:59 | Moon | 0.6° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation from most of western and northern Europe | |
5 | 02:00 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
10 | 20:00 | Moon | descending node | |
13 | 00:30 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 1766″ (smallest of the year) | |
02:05 | Moon | 0.3° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation is visible from parts of South America | ||
23:00 | Moon | apogee: 406,295 kilometres | ||
16 | 22:54 | Moon | 0.4° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is visible from southern Africa | |
21 | 01:30 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | |
22 | Earth | Lyrid meteor shower | ||
23 | Earth | π-Puppid meteor shower | ||
25 | 02:30 | Moon | ascending node | |
27 | 16:30 | Moon | perigee: 357,119 kilometres | |
19:30 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1266 | ||
29 | 07:07 | Moon | 0.6° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | |
May | ||||
4 | 14:00 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
6 | Earth | η-Aquariid meteor shower | ||
7 | 23:30 | Moon | descending node | |
10 | 08:08 | Moon | 0.3° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation | |
11 | 01:00 | Moon | apogee: 406,244 kilometres | |
12 | 17:00 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 1769″ | |
14 | 04:47 | Moon | 0.3° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is visible from southern South America | |
18 | 03:00 | Earth | maximum distance from Uranus: 20.5413 au | |
20 | 12:00 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | |
22 | 08:00 | Moon | ascending node | |
26 | 01:30 | Moon | perigee: 359,022 kilometres | |
17:53 | Moon | 0.5° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | ||
27 | 03:00 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1267 | |
June | ||||
3 | 03:30 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
4 | 01:30 | Moon | descending node | |
6 | 14:15 | Moon | 0.5° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation | |
7 | Earth | Daytime Arietid meteor shower | ||
10:30 | Moon | apogee: 405,553 kilometres | ||
10 | 11:02 | Moon | 0.3° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is visible from Australia and New Zealand | |
11 | 07:30 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 1794″ | |
18 | 09:30 | Moon | ascending node | |
19:30 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | ||
21 | 03:00 | Earth | solstice: summer in northern hemisphere, winter in southern hemisphere | |
23 | 02:59 | Moon | 0.6° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | |
04:30 | Moon | perigee: 363,178 kilometres | ||
25 | 10:30 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1268 | |
26 | 16:00 | Earth | maximum distance from Jupiter: 6.1596 au | |
27 | Earth | June Boötid meteor shower | ||
30 | 01:05 | Moon | 0.2° (declination) north of Mars: occultation is visible from parts of western South America | |
01:14 | Moon | 0.2° (ecliptic latitude) north of Mars: occultation from parts of western South America | ||
July | ||||
1 | 04:00 | Moon | descending node | |
2 | 19:30 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
3 | 21:00 | Earth | aphelion: 1.0166 au | |
21:42 | Moon | 0.7° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation is visible from southern South America and Antarctica | ||
5 | 02:30 | Moon | apogee: 404,627 kilometres | |
7 | 18:12 | Moon | 0.4° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is visible from southern Africa and most of Australia | |
10 | 20:30 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 1835″ | |
15 | 10:30 | Moon | ascending node | |
18 | 00:30 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | |
20 | 10:54 | Moon | 0.8° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is visible from western Canada and the United States | |
14:00 | Moon | perigee: 368,041 kilometres | ||
24 | 19:00 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1269 | |
26 | 21:28 | Moon | 1.2° north of the first-magnitude star Regulus (α Leonis): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | |
28 | Earth | July γ-Draconid meteor shower | ||
08:30 | Moon | descending node | ||
17:00 | Earth | minimum distance from Mercury: 0.5876 au | ||
18:43 | Moon | 1.1° (ecliptic latitude) south of Mars: occultation is visible from parts of the Antarctic | ||
19:45 | Moon | 1.3° (declination) south of Mars: occultation is visible from parts of the Antarctic | ||
31 | Earth | Southern δ-Aquariid meteor shower | ||
Earth | α-Capricornid meteor shower | |||
05:37 | Moon | 0.9° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation | ||
August | ||||
1 | 12:30 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
20:30 | Moon | apogee: 404,161 kilometres (smallest of the year) | ||
4 | 02:12 | Moon | 0.5° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is visible from southern South America and Antarctica | |
9 | 08:00 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 1887″ | |
11 | 15:00 | Moon | ascending node | |
12 | Earth | Perseid meteor shower | ||
14 | 18:00 | Moon | perigee: 369,288 kilometres | |
16 | 05:00 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | |
16:09 | Moon | 0.9° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is visible from eastern Asia, including Japan and Korea | ||
23 | 05:56 | Moon | 1.2° north of the first-magnitude star Regulus (α Leonis): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | |
06:00 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1270 | ||
24 | 15:30 | Moon | descending node | |
27 | 13:42 | Moon | 1.0° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation | |
29 | 15:30 | Moon | apogee: 404,548 kilometres | |
31 | 06:30 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
10:25 | Moon | 0.6° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is visible from New Zealand and Antarctica | ||
September | ||||
1 | Earth | Aurigid meteor shower | ||
7 | 18:08 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 1940″ | |
18:12 | Moon | total lunar eclipse | ||
23:07 | Moon | ascending node | ||
9 | Earth | September ε-Perseid meteor shower | ||
10 | 12:00 | Moon | perigee: 364,777 kilometres | |
12 | 21:48 | Moon | 1.0° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is visible from Europe | |
14 | 10:30 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | |
19 | 11:47 | Moon | 0.8° (declination) north of Venus: occultation is visible from parts of northern Canada and the Arctic | |
12:22 | Moon | 0.7° (ecliptic latitude) north of Venus: occultation from parts of northern Canada and the Arctic | ||
12:57 | Moon | 1.2° north of the first-magnitude star Regulus (α Leonis): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | ||
20 | 23:13 | Moon | descending node | |
21 | 08:00 | Earth | minimum distance from Saturn: 8.5468 au | |
19:42 | Moon | partial solar eclipse | ||
19:54 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1271 | ||
22 | 15:00 | Earth | minimum distance from Neptune: 28.8842 au | |
22 | 18:30 | Earth | equinox: autumn in northern hemisphere, spring in southern hemisphere | |
23 | 21:31 | Moon | 1.0° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | |
26 | 10:00 | Moon | apogee: 405,548 kilometres | |
27 | Earth | Daytime Sextantid meteor shower | ||
17:34 | Moon | 0.6° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation | ||
29 | 23:45 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
October | ||||
5 | Earth | October Camelopardalid meteor shower | ||
09:30 | Moon | ascending node | ||
7 | 04:00 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 1984″ | |
8 | Earth | Draconid meteor shower | ||
12:30 | Moon | perigee: 359,819 kilometres | ||
10 | 05:20 | Moon | 0.9° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is visible from parts of Greenland, Canada, and the United States | |
13 | 18:00 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | |
16 | 18:38 | Moon | 1.1° north of the first-magnitude star Regulus (α Leonis): occultation is visible from parts of North America | |
18 | 04:30 | Moon | descending node | |
21 | Earth | Orionid meteor shower | ||
03:57 | Moon | 1.0° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | ||
12:30 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1272 | ||
23 | 23:30 | Moon | apogee: 406,444 kilometres | |
25 | 00:15 | Moon | 0.5° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is visible from southern South America | |
29 | 16:30 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
November | ||||
1 | 17:30 | Moon | ascending node | |
5 | Earth | Southern Taurid meteor shower | ||
13:30 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 2008″ (largest of the year) | ||
22:30 | Moon | perigee: 356,833 kilometres (smallest of the year) | ||
6 | 15:26 | Moon | 0.8° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is visible from northern Asia | |
12 | Earth | Northern Taurid meteor shower | ||
05:30 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | ||
13 | 00:23 | Moon | 0.9° north of the first-magnitude star Regulus (α Leonis): occultation is visible from northern Europe | |
14 | 06:30 | Moon | descending node | |
17 | Earth | Leonid meteor shower | ||
10:11 | Moon | 1.1° south of the first-magnitude star Spica (α Virginis): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | ||
20 | 03:00 | Moon | apogee: 406,691 kilometres (largest of the year) | |
07:00 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1273 | ||
21 | Earth | α-Monocerotid meteor shower | ||
06:55 | Moon | 0.4° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | ||
10:00 | Earth | minimum distance from Uranus: 18.5094 au | ||
28 | 07:00 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
21:30 | Moon | ascending node | ||
30 | 11:00 | Earth | maximum distance from Mars: 2.4238 au | |
December | ||||
1 | Earth | Phoenicid meteor shower | ||
4 | 03:22 | Moon | 0.8° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is visible from northwestern United States, northern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, and northern Europe | |
11:00 | Moon | perigee: 356,963 kilometres | ||
23:00 | Moon | FULL MOON: apparent diameter 2007″ | ||
7 | Earth | Puppid-Velid meteor shower | ||
9 | Earth | σ Hydrid meteor shower | ||
10 | 07:49 | Moon | 0.7° north of the first-magnitude star Regulus (α Leonis): occultation is visible from northern Canada and Greenland | |
11 | 07:30 | Moon | descending node | |
21:00 | Moon | LAST QUARTER MOON | ||
14 | Earth | Geminid meteor shower | ||
17 | 06:00 | Moon | apogee: 406,322 kilometres | |
18 | 13:06 | Moon | 0.4° south of the first-magnitude star Antares (α Scorpii): occultation is too close to the Sun to be visible | |
20 | 01:30 | Moon | NEW MOON: lunation 1274 | |
21 | 15:00 | Earth | solstice: winter in northern hemisphere, summer in southern hemisphere | |
22 | Earth | Ursid meteor shower | ||
25 | 22:00 | Moon | ascending node | |
27 | 19:00 | Moon | FIRST QUARTER MOON | |
31 | 13:47 | Moon | 0.9° north of the open cluster Pleiades (M45): occultation is visible from northern Asia | |
January 2026 | ||||
1 | 00:00 | Earth | maximum distance from Venus: 1.7010 au |